
Piyush Arora
Dublin City University
PhD in Computer Science
Work History:
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University
Current Job:
Post Doctorate Researcher
About Me
Fun loving person, like reading books, travelling, coding and meeting new people.
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I am a fun loving person. I am interested in learning and exploring more on how we can use technology to bring changes at the root level, how can we make better societies and ecosystem with the use of technology.
I believe “Guided Technology” can play an important role in the path towards global sustainable world.
I like playing badminton, squash in my free time. I love going for long walks exploring the beautiful nature, the precious gift that has been given to all of us. I love visiting new places, meeting new people and making friends. You can see some of the pics attached.
How can I forget the important part- I love listening music it’s very dear to my heart.
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I am a Post Doctorate researcher at Dublin City University, Dublin.
I like and enjoy coding, working on cool projects. My research focuses on making learning and searching for information through Web convenient and easy. Trying to make machine intelligent to understand humans and retrieve answers to our questions effectively and efficiently.
Apart from my own projects, I supervise and mentor students. Take lectures and computer science labs.
My Typical Day
Breakfast => Reading and replying mails => Coding and doing my research work => Lunch => Meetings => My work => Sports and Fun time => Dinner and Fun times => Sleep
What I'd do with the prize money
I will donate money to DCU RAG society, working on Aisling project working for after school intervention for children and young people in need of support .
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Adventurous, Hard Working, Fun-loving
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
1-2 times
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Ed Sheeran and Adele
What's your favourite food?
Indian Meal followed by Vanilla Ice-cream with Brownie
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Hiking consecutive days in Wicklow mountains about 26kms and 28kms.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1) Get a time machine and see what the world would be in future, 2) If I could fly, 3) Spend a 1 month vacation at Antartica
Tell us a joke.
Why doctors recommend apple often than banana..??? Apple comes higher in alphabetical order :D
Work photos: