Questions Answered by Sheila
- How many translators do ye have employed to help you. Do they give a. Straight answer or does it take longer based on by Quentin Joyce to Sheila Comments: (No comments so far )
- Do u like noodles by 997smap42 and 1 other. to Sheila, Piyush, Natalia, Gary, Dimitar Comments: (So far, one comment )
- Do u miss your old country ? by 477smap48 to Sheila Comments: (So far, one comment )
- how did scientists come up with what distance a light year is because a year is a measurement of time not space and why by 934smap48 to Sheila Comments: (No comments so far )
- You know how bugs die in the winter, well what is it that kills them, the cold, their lifespan is just up or is it by 947smap48 to Sheila, Piyush, Natalia, Gary, Dimitar Comments: (No comments so far )
- What colour are your blood cells by 653smap49 to Sheila, Piyush, Natalia, Gary, Dimitar Comments: (No comments so far )
- What is you favorite type of science? Example: physics, chemistry… by Maebh66 and 3 others. to Gary, Sheila, Natalia Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
- how Do I make a big explosion by 323smap49 to Sheila, Piyush, Natalia, Gary, Dimitar Comments: (No comments so far )
- how and why do cats purr? by Tree to Sheila, Piyush, Natalia, Gary, Dimitar Comments: (so far, 3s comments )
- Would you be interested in curing long term or chronic illnesses with stem cells ? by 927smap49 to Sheila, Natalia, Gary Comments: (No comments so far )