I don’t think so… There’s just SO MUCH universe, and we exist, so why not other life, somewhere else? Although, we may not ever find anyone else- for precisely the reason that the universe is so big… we’ll never explore it all!
That’s what makes science so interesting though. We can never explore it all, or find every answer to every question… but there are creative people like you, who want to think about these things, and maybe one day you’ll figure out a way that we can find out if there is life out there.
Great question! For me, this is how we look at how we define alone, are we alone in terms of complex lifeforms? Then yes I think we are, although I cannot be sure and I see both a yes and a no answer for this! There may be other single cell lifeforms on other planets but I do not think so. The statistical probabilities that we have had to overcome in order to be how we are and how we function now are so small, our brains cannot think just how small that number is! This is why I think we are alone. On the other side of the discussion, the sheer vastness of the universe and we have only seen a very very small amount that is possible we may discover other lifeforms or maybe they will discover us! This is one of the many reasons that science is so exciting, there is so much that we do not know and by studying science you open your eyes to these endless possibilities and maybe you will be the one who makes the next great discovery! I hope you are