• Question: Are your experiments often very interesting, and do you not mind not always succeding as it just gets you more encouragement to work harder?

    Asked by Callan_T to Mark on 8 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Mark Collins

      Mark Collins answered on 8 Nov 2015:

      Thank you for a great question! My experiments are always very interesting as every drug substance I work on or every project that I am involved in is completely different from the last one so I need to bring a new mindset to each and work through the inevitable problems that may occur! For me, a experiment not working first time even though i have planned it and theoretically this should work first time and it does not, I see this as a challenge and I love a good challenge! I find the bigger the challenge is the more I will step up to meet that challenge and work harder! And yes, it does encourage me as I when I do not succeed first time then when I do succeed, I get a great sense of accomplishment knowing that I have overcome a difficult problem.
