• Question: Being busy scientists did yous have time to watch the RWC or is there no interest in sports at all?

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      Asked by Conor to Neil, Mark, Florence, Anne on 9 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by 597drud47.
      • Photo: Mark Collins

        Mark Collins answered on 9 Nov 2015:

        I did watch the rugby and I also play rugby for my local team each and every Saturday! I spend a lot of time in the laboratory but I am also a keen follower of all things sport and I like to watch Rugby, Golf, NFL, Gaelic Games and I would even watch cycling. It is important to work hard bit also to unwind from time to time and I do this through sport.

      • Photo: Neil Day

        Neil Day answered on 13 Nov 2015:

        Hi Conor – Being a busy parent interfered with my watching of the world cup more than science. I did manage to carve out some time to Watch England v Wales and Ireland v Argentina – I guess I picked the wrong games to watch didn’t I?
        although i’m English I’ve lived in Ireland for 18 years now so like to follow the Irish teams as well. I’ll be watching the RoI v Bosnia tonight
