• Question: how is there alcohol in a comet travelling through space

    Asked by Byrner2 to Anne, Florence, Mark, Neil, Sinead on 10 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Mark Collins

      Mark Collins answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      As the elements of the periodic table throughout the known universe and they are all created in stars across the universe, in this comet it must have originated from a source that also contains carbon. We know that the trail following a comet is water so it is beyond possibility that there were carbon sources that have led to sugars and alcohols being observed in this comet. All elements have been created in stars and elements as heavy as Iron can be created routinely in stars, when a star begins to create iron it signals the end of that stars life and this begins the death of a star which is quite a spectacular occurrence and one I would recommend investigating with your classmates.

    • Photo: Sinead Balgobin

      Sinead Balgobin answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      We are just finding out about how molecules are made in space- it’s a really cool idea and could help us figure out how life is made! Lots of elements exist in space, and could react together in high temperatures or pressures to make molecules like ethanol (alcohol).

    • Photo: Florence McCarthy

      Florence McCarthy answered on 12 Nov 2015:

      It is probably frozen in the ice as it is pretty cold out there.
