• Question: if you go in to outer space without your space suit and you opened the door to your rocket , (without the suit on)what exactly would happen? I mean you have lots of different tv shows , cartoons showing different things and crazy people who just want attention saying things I really need to know what happens maybe nobody knows and nobody will try but do you have an idea?

    Asked by katiex to Neil, Mark, Anne on 7 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Neil Day

      Neil Day answered on 7 Nov 2015:

      I wouldn’t recommednd trying it Katiex! Space is a vacuum; there is no air and it’s extremely cold. If you were exposed to space , you couldn’t breathe but also as there is no air pressure, your blood vessels would expand and certain death would soon follow.
      I’m a bit of a sci-fi fan and have seen a few films where they have tried to represent this happening and it doesn’t look nice!

    • Photo: Mark Collins

      Mark Collins answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      I really would not recommend as soon as you released the door even a little, the huge vacuum that is in space would tear the rocket into many pieces as the pressure difference would rush out into the vacuum and be lost in the expanse of the cosmos! It would be a really bad idea as an experiment as the experimenter would not survive nor would the very expensive rocket ship! They would drift for eternity orbiting the solar system. It has been considered in theory and I think that experiment is best to leave for a physicists notebook.
