• Question: what is an analytical chemist

    Asked by 986drud32 to Mark on 6 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Mark Collins

      Mark Collins answered on 6 Nov 2015:

      An analytical chemist is a special kind of chemist. I work in a laboratory and rather than making things, I look and investigate chemicals! An analytical chemist will analyse blood to see if you are healthy, an analytical chemist will look at water to ensure the water we drink is healthy and safe. An analytical chemist will test the drugs that are made to help us to check and make sure they are safe! And I have a huge number of ways of doing this, I can separate chemicals, I can identify chemicals and I can tell you much chemical you have! The next time you turn your tap on at home to wash your hands, just think there is an Analytical Chemist testing that water to make sure it is clean and safe for you!
