• Question: what is your best invention and why?

    Asked by 654drud27 to Anne, Florence, Mark, Neil, Sinead on 15 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Florence McCarthy

      Florence McCarthy answered on 15 Nov 2015:

      Best invention is difficult as I invent stuff all the time but a lot of it doesn’t work. From a real life perspective I guess I have been involved in the invention on a patent for a new drug which has gone through clinical trials. From a personal perspective there are hundreds of new inventions from my lab each year so it is hard to choose.

    • Photo: Sinead Balgobin

      Sinead Balgobin answered on 16 Nov 2015:

      I made a new reaction that used a catalyst to make a new molecule that had never been made before- I don’t know if it’s important, it’s not really ground breaking, but I’m a new scientist and it felt pretty good to me!
