• Question: What's at the bottom of a black hole?

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      Asked by 473drud47 to Anne, Florence, Mark, Neil, Sinead on 10 Nov 2015.
      • Photo: Mark Collins

        Mark Collins answered on 10 Nov 2015:

        Great question, nobody knows although there are strong theories. A black hole is not really “black” nor a hole as we would expect black to be be but it is due to the incredible force of gravity that no light can escape from and not a hole but an area of incredible mass and density that all close to is attracted. And it is believed through Einsteins theory and this is the most recent theory although this is only a theory that based on his theory of relativity that the “black hole” has a centre, a point of infinite mass and infinite density and infinity small and this is what we term as the singularity. At the bottom of a black hole-a singularity of infinite mass and infinitely small and infinitely! At the moment we can only examine through measurements up to the event horizon, this is the edge of the black hole beyond this no light can escape.

      • Photo: Sinead Balgobin

        Sinead Balgobin answered on 11 Nov 2015:

        Nobody knows! It’s something we can’t really measure or do experiments on because they are far away and potentially dangerous. A black hole is named that way because nothing can escape its massive gravitational power, which pulls everything into it: from stars and planets, to light particles themselves! This makes them invisible, but we detect them when there looks like there is absolutely nothing in a patch of space, but we can detect radiation from dust and gas being pulled into the black hole.

        Some people think they might be wormholes to other places or dimensions. Others think that they aren’t portals, but if you fell into a black hole you would get stretched out like spaghetti; others still think you would get burned up like you had fallen into a wall of fire.

      • Photo: Florence McCarthy

        Florence McCarthy answered on 16 Nov 2015:

        The theories would suggest something very small and of infinite mass lies within a black hole but this is a long way from proven. Personally I think that black holes are the universes are like tornados redistributing all the material that comes in their path. We still know very little about tornados even though they a happen every day right here.
