• Question: whats your favourite thing about science ?

    Asked by 842drud32 :) to Sinead, Neil, Mark, Florence on 6 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by Alicia, hannah c, 597drud47.
    • Photo: Sinead Balgobin

      Sinead Balgobin answered on 6 Nov 2015:

      I love that science can give us explanations for things that seem impossible, or like magic. I love that by reading about science and doing research we can see things or find out new things that we couldn’t even imagine. In the chemistry I do, I can control how molecules work (sometimes) to make new ones, and that’s pretty powerful!

      But what I really love is that science is about asking questions, and there will always be new questions- we will never be able to know everything about the universe, but we can sure have a good time figuring out the answers to our questions.
