• Question: did the study appear in a peer-reviewed journal?

    Asked by 379enek29 to Stephen, Shane, Karla, Emma on 7 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Emma Hanley

      Emma Hanley answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      For my PhD i need a minimum of three papers to be published in peer-reviewed journals for my thesis. So far I have one appearing in a peer-reviewed journal.

    • Photo: Karla Dussan

      Karla Dussan answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      Well, researchers will try to communicate their work to other scientists and researchers in the field through publications in “peer-reviewed journals”. The peer-review part means that your paper is evaluated by a few researchers that are experts in what you do before it is actually made available to the public. This makes sure that your work has good quality. So, from the “peer-review” process, you receive suggestions or comments or questions that you need to cover in your paper or answer to the reviewers before they can give it a go. It can be a quite hard and lengthy process… but most of the time, the comments you receive can improve your work in great ways!
