• Question: What fossil fuels will last the longest

    Asked by 255enek22 to Shane on 7 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Shane Mcdonagh

      Shane Mcdonagh answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      Hi there,

      Ok so there are two ways of looking at this.

      1. How much of a fossil fuel (Coal, oil, gas) have we found? And at the current rate of using it up, when will it all be gone?

      We have more coal than natural gas, and more natural gas than oil. So if we wanted to use all of them we would run out of oil first (where we get petrol and diesel from) and coal last.


      2. Which will we stop using last?

      However, coal is the worst for the environment and the one that renewables like wind and solar is replacing the fastest. Gas is the cleanest and can be used for the most things, so I think that will be used for the longest.
