Question: Which material fascinates you the most? Does it have any interesting properties?
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Asked by Roptyparty to Stephen, Yang on 7 Nov 2017. This question was also asked by 532enek38.Question: Which material fascinates you the most? Does it have any interesting properties?
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Hugh commented on :
Buckminster Fullerenes… footballs of Carbon! They were discovered in about 1985 by an English (Harry Kroto) and American (Richard Smalley) scientist, by accident when they were researching the composition of interstellar dust. They could only produce tiny amounts, and nobody really believed them, until Wolfgang Kratschmer, in Germany revealed a way to produce them in large quantities, and the three shared the Nobel prize in 1996. Their structure is like a soccerball, with hexagons and pentagons, so they should be simple, but in solid crystals, they show fascinating properties.
samhallo32 commented on :
any thing that comes from oil,petrol;plastic