
Aileen Doran
University College Cork for my undergraduate degree
BSc in Geology
Work History:
As a graduate geologist in the Geological Survey Ireland
Current Job:
PhD Researcher in UCD
About Me
My name is Aileen and I'm originally from Wexford! I'm now based up in Dublin and am doing a PhD in Geochemistry and raw materials.
My Typical Day
I'm lucky that I can organize my days however I want (*within reason). I gt to travel a lot, and then I'll come back to Ireland and spend time in college at my desk. I spend a lot of time looking at different types of information and finding explanations or connections between them.
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No day is the same for me. I spend a lot of time travelling for work, so often I’ll be in Glasgow playing with mercury or a laser one week, and then I could be off to Canada to use really powerful microscopes the next. I also go to a lot of conferences to meet other people working on similar issues. All the travel has let me see some beautiful places across the world (like the Canadian Rockies; images attached).
Looking over Lake Louise, near Banff
When I get back from all the lab visits, I often upload the data I’ve collected into my computer and use special software, to look for patterns in the data. These patterns can help me figure out what went on in the ground millions of years ago, when the metals were becoming so concentrated.
Luckily, I can direct my work schedule and pick what I get to work on every day!
My Interview
What did you want to be after you left school?
A psychologist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
No, I was fairly quiet
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Glen Hansard
What's your favourite food?
Not to sound Irish, but mashed potatoes
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Gone on a solo 3 month trip across Canada
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Go to space, not have to worry about money, have a 1st edition science fiction collection for my favorite writers