Yashdeep Yashdeep
Status: Really Smart and Curious Kids Out There!!
Latest Question:
Why do you work for Tyndall?Latest Comment:
What is the most interesting thing that you found out from your research (1 comments) -
Tommy Hayden
Latest Question:
My previous neighbor’s granddad’s cow had 4 calves how rare is this?Latest Comment:
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Srikumar Roy
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Sonia Lenehan
Status: Helping others by staying at home!
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What is your favourite place you’ve ever visited?Latest Comment:
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Simon Spichak
Status: I am a trillion microbes in a man suit!
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Is the drink corona linked in any way to the coronavirusLatest Comment:
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Sarah Mallen
Latest Question:
What would you choose if you could end world hunger or warsLatest Comment:
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Sarah Guerin
Status: Running lots of crystal simulations while #workingfromhome and upping my cooking and gardening skills.
Rory Ward
Latest Question:
Do you think electric cars are really helping our climate?Latest Comment:
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Roisin Jones
Status: Splitting my time between working from home and working in the lab, and making increasingly elaborate meal plans!
Latest Question:
If you weren’t a scientist, what would you like to be?Latest Comment:
What scientist inspired you the most? (1 comments) -
Ollie Otter
Latest Question:
why is the sky blueLatest Comment:
What are black holes. (1 comments) -
Nina Kanti
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Niamh Faulkner
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Nadeem Rather
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How many days off work do ye get a year?Latest Comment:
what is your favorite movie? (1 comments) -
Michael Nolan
Status: We are keeping the science going during this time
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If you were to swap jobs with another scientist here who would you swap with? And why?Latest Comment:
Do you believe in Planet X (1 comments) -
Mark Kennedy
Status: Working at home is difficult, particularly with most astronomical facilities shut down, but that's a small price to pay for peoples safety.
Marcello Valente
Latest Question:
Is there a cure to the coronavirus and are animals linked to it?Latest Comment:
How many years have you been a scientist (1 comments) -
Luis Soriano
Latest Question:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?🙃Latest Comment:
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Lucy Blennerhassett
Latest Question:
What has been the biggest experience as a scientistLatest Comment:
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Louise Mc Grath
Status: Keep those interesting questions coming! =)
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When you left primary school, what did you think you wanted to be?Latest Comment:
Is there any ebooks you'd recommend about science???. (1 comments) -
Lea Duran
Latest Question:
Do you think electric cars are really helping our climate?Latest Comment:
What are the characteristics of a temperate climate? (1 comments) -
Laura Finnegan
Status: Ready to chat in the green zone!
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If you were to swap jobs with another scientist here who would you swap with? And why?Latest Comment:
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Kevin O' Brien
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Katherine Benson
Status: Working from home during the pandemic to find out how our genes affect our health
Latest Question:
When you left primary school, what did you think you wanted to be?Latest Comment:
Do lab coats serve as any protection? (1 comments) -
Jun Lin
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What is your favourite place you’ve ever visited?Latest Comment:
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Jennifer Cookman
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What is your favourite book?Latest Comment:
What makes you itch? (1 comments) -
Jen Costelloe
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Jean O'Dwyer
Latest Question:
What is your favourite book?Latest Comment:
The Green Zone Scientist of the Week (1 comments) -
James Sullivan
Latest Question:
When you left primary school, what did you think you wanted to be?Latest Comment:
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James Collins
Latest Question:
How does putting pressure on an open wound stop the bleeding? Wouldn’t it make us bleed more?Latest Comment:
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Hazel Rooney
Latest Question:
My previous neighbor’s granddad’s cow had 4 calves how rare is this?Latest Comment:
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Hannah Currivan
Latest Question:
What is your fav thing about I’m a scientist stay at homeLatest Comment:
How many years have you been a scientist (1 comments) -
Graham Buckley
Latest Question:
What do the robots do, do they operate on people?Latest Comment:
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Gonzalo Delgado-Pando
Status: I enjoyed being answering questions and chatting! I hope you enjoyed it too
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Gary Munnelly
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Francesco Floris
Latest Question:
What is your favourite place you’ve ever visited?Latest Comment:
What scientist inspired you the most? (1 comments) -
Florence McCarthy
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If you were to swap jobs with another scientist here who would you swap with? And why?Latest Comment:
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Fiona Malone
Status: Making masks for health care workers #projectvisorgmit
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If you weren’t a scientist, what would you like to be?Latest Comment:
how would you describe yourself? (1 comments) -
Fiona Freeman
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Farina Kokab
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Enda O'Connell
Status: #workingfromhome
Emma Feeney
Status: Just learnt from one of the students that there is a research group working on creating iron-rich bananas - who knew?!
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Ehren Dixon
Status: If you have any Chemistry questions, whether in regards to your own questions or in terms of the Junior/Leaving Cert, let me know!
Latest Question:
If you were to swap jobs with another scientist here who would you swap with? And why?Latest Comment:
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Dimitar Shterionov
Latest Question:
If you weren’t a scientist, what would you like to be?Latest Comment:
Do you believe in Planet X (1 comments) -
Dheeraj Rathore
Status: Checkout my pictures of science that I do. I will use these in printed form to communicate science when I win this competition.
Ciara O'Donovan
Latest Question:
If you weren’t a scientist, what would you like to be?Latest Comment:
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Chloe Huseyin
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Brian Murray
Status: About to have my first live chat with the students. Looking forward to it!
Latest Question:
Why do maggots eat dead flesh?Latest Comment:
Do you use redshift? (1 comments) -
Aruna Chandrasekar
Status: Is anyone else loving their time at home during this lockdown?
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If you weren’t a scientist, what would you like to be?Latest Comment:
What is your favourite book? (1 comments) -
Aoife McHugh
Status: Looking forward to answering any questions in the green zone
Anthony Newell
Latest Question:
Do you think electric cars are really helping our climate?Latest Comment:
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Amy Heather Fitzpatrick
Status: Lockdown life! I am writing about the best ways to detect viruses using next generation sequencing, but I am also cooking lots of pasta, stretching...
Latest Question:
if you weren’t a scientist what would you be?Latest Comment:
Why can sea fish only live in salty water? (1 comments) -
Aileen Doran
Latest Question:
Do you believe there are other life besides on Earth ?Latest Comment:
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Achim Schmalenberger
Latest Question:
How did life start out?Latest Comment:
What are antennas? (1 comments) -
Ngoc Nguyen
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Helen Griffin
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Gail Molloy
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What is your favourite place you’ve ever visited?Latest Comment:
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