Great question! Every living thing has microbes living on it or in it. We have microbes on our skin, in our mouths, in our stomachs. There are microbes in the soil, on trees, in insects, in bees. We use good microbes to make certain types of food like cheese, yogurt, beer and sourdough bread. They are everywhere! Most of them are very important for us and our ecosystem. Some of them can make us sick. But our good microbes can help to fight off the bad microbes.
Most microbes are all specialised for a particular area on our body. Some areas of our bodies have lots of different microbes, like our gastrointestinal tract (we call it high diversity) and other areas have only a small number of different microbes, like the skin in some areas of our body (low diversity). If you think of it like a tropical rainforest with lots of different flowers, trees, insects and animals, that’s high diversity. Now think of the desert, it might only have a few different plants and animals, that’s low diversity.
We have some of the same microbes as cows in our gastrointestinal tract but they are in different abundances or amounts. Cows eat different food and have a different way of digesting food than humans do. Because of this, they need different microbes to break down food. They have 4 stomachs (we call any animal with 4 stomachs ruminants), that are much bigger than our one stomach (any animal with one stomach is a monogastric), and every stomach has a slightly different job.
Would the microbes ever be able to move to another part of our body like if some were in our mouths and moved down to our stomach? Would that make us sick and what would happen if that happened?
It depends where these microbes come from. The microbes in our mouth work with our bodies and yes, some can travel to our stomach. These are the good microbes. If we get an infection in our mouth, like if you have a really bad tooth ache some of these bad microbes can travel to your stomach. And they might make you feel a little bit unwell. That’s why it’s really important to go to the dentist! Infections in your mouth don’t just effect your teeth. If we were get microbes from our stomach to our mouth… (through faecal contamination) that would be very bad and you would get very sick.
Fun fact: cows need microbes to get enough calories out of their food i.e. grass. Without them they would not be able to grow and produce milk. Microbes in our gut are also beneficial in many ways but they help to increase our calorie intake by only 10%.
sarah07 commented on :
Would the microbes ever be able to move to another part of our body like if some were in our mouths and moved down to our stomach? Would that make us sick and what would happen if that happened?
Thank you for answering my questions though!
Chloe commented on :
It depends where these microbes come from. The microbes in our mouth work with our bodies and yes, some can travel to our stomach. These are the good microbes. If we get an infection in our mouth, like if you have a really bad tooth ache some of these bad microbes can travel to your stomach. And they might make you feel a little bit unwell. That’s why it’s really important to go to the dentist! Infections in your mouth don’t just effect your teeth. If we were get microbes from our stomach to our mouth… (through faecal contamination) that would be very bad and you would get very sick.
Achim commented on :
Fun fact: cows need microbes to get enough calories out of their food i.e. grass. Without them they would not be able to grow and produce milk. Microbes in our gut are also beneficial in many ways but they help to increase our calorie intake by only 10%.