
Chloe Huseyin
Hungerford Primary School, London (1993-1998); Presentation Primary School, Fermoy (1998-2001); Loreto Secondary School, Fermoy (2001-2007); Cork Institute of Technology (2008-2013); University College Cork (2014-2019)
B.Sc Applied Biosciences with Biotechnology, B.Sc (honours) Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, PhD Microbiology
Work History:
I worked in a shop at weekends and school holidays before I started my PhD.
Current Job:
Postdoctoral researcher
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I’m a PhD student student studying microbiology. What that means is after I finished my primary degree at Cork Institute of Technology I applied for a PhD position with the APC Microbiome Institute, UCC and Teagasc. It means I’m spending another four years studying instead of getting a job straight away. My PhD topic is really interesting and it keeps me really busy but I get to do some cutting edge scientific research that nobody has tried before.
Microbiology is defined as ‘a branch of biology dealing especially with microscopic forms of life’. Like bacteria, protozoans, viruses, and fungi. We know a lot about good bacteria (like in your probiotic drinks) and bad bacteria (the kinds that can make us sick) but we don’t know as much about the other things that can live inside our digestive systems, so I’m hoping to figure out what some of the other things do.
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Every day is different for me, which is why I love my job 🙂 I’m working on a lot of different projects at the moment so one day I could be working with DNA and the next day I could be growing things on agar plates in the lab. Then some days I might not be in the lab at all, for those days I might read research papers or process data and the results of my experiments on my computer.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Organised, enthusiastic and helpful
What did you want to be after you left school?
A scientist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
My dog ate my homework a lot…
What's your favourite food?
Anything with chocolate
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I love going on trips to museums, last year I went to the science museum in London while I was attending a conference for PhD students. I got to help run the conference too!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To remember everything I read without having to study it, to win a Nobel prize for curing a disease and more wishes obviously :)
Tell us a joke.
Why is the mushroom so popular at school? He is a fungi