
Simon Spichak
I am a trillion microbes in a man suit!
Completed degree at University of Toronto
H. BSc in Neuroscience
Work History:
University of Toronto
Current Job:
Postgraduate Student
About Me
I'm a scientist that studies the brain, how the microbes in our gut communicate with it! I am fueled by coffee, science fiction movies and books!
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Hi! My name is Simon and I’m a Canadian living in Cork! One of my housemates is a cat, who enjoys sitting on my computer while I work. I love reading, writing, coding and watching movies. I love brewing and drinking coffee, taking pictures of animals outdoors and talking to people about science!
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Believe it or not – but your body is home to trillions of tiny microbes, too small to see with the naked eye! These microbes – bacteria, fungi, and viruses have evolved to live with humans, and a lot of them are located in your gut. Did you know that a lot of these microbes help you with digestion, immunity and can contribute to brain health?
I am interested in using bioinformatics to study how the microbes in our guts communicate with our brain and what it means for our health!
My Typical Day
I start the day with a freshly brewed cup of coffee! Then I turn on my computer to catch up on the latest science news and give my computer instructions to complete! If it's successful, I get a glimpse into the brain or the gut microbes!
What I'd do with the prize money
A podcast that explains the latest findings in science to children!
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Curious Passionate Funny
What did you want to be after you left school?
A Neuroscientist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Yes, once for reading too far ahead
Who is your favourite singer or band?
The Mountain Goats
What's your favourite food?
Dark Chocolate
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Ziplining in Costa Rica
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. More wishes. 2. To know what to wish for. 3. To make others happy
Tell us a joke.
I once entered ten of my best puns into a contest, hoping to make the judges laugh. Unfortunately no pun in ten did.
Work photos:
Check out my FameLab Science Talk!