
Tommy Hayden
Mechanical Engineering Degree
Work History:
Test engineer (mainly testing airplane parts), Automation design (accessories for robots etc.), Chocolate Factory (packaging engineer), Mining Companies (designing equipment), Medical Devices (designing products, processes and equipment)
Current Job:
Process Development Engineer
About Me
I work as an Engineer developing medical devices
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I live in Turloughmore with my wife and two sons. I love getting outside to do some physical work especially when the lads come out to help too
We’re in the middle of building a shed at the minute. We’re doing the work ourselves in our spare time which makes it a long-term project, but we’ll be able to take over the world from there once we get it finished (check out what Earl Bakken did with his shed!)
We put a polytunnel up just before Christmas so that keeps us entertained too
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I’ve worked in lots of different jobs
I started out in a Test Lab, mostly testing parts for Airbus A380 plane that was being developed at the time, but also some other stuff including testing parts for F1 cars
I then worked for an automation company. Work there included designing accessories for robots
Following that I worked in Cadbury’s chocolate factory as a packaging engineer
Then I went to Australia and worked designing mining equipment
Since I came back to Ireland, I have been working on medical devices
I now work for Medtronic
We mainly make medical devices to fix blocked blood vessels and hearts that have leaking valves or faulty electrical signals
I work on new products and my job is in process development. One of the most important part of my job is to make sure designs are as simple as possible. This has to main goals;
- They are less likely to break (i.e. they are safer)
- They are easier to manufacture (cheaper to make)
This results in doctors getting to treat more patients
My Typical Day
One of my two sons climbs on my head at around 6.50. Alarm clock goes off around 7 When I get up, I let out our hens out of their coop, then have breakfast and head to work At work I spend the day figuring out how to make new medical devices My favourite thing to do in the evenings is to play outside with the lads. We have a pile of clay in our garden and they love climbing it and searching for worms
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My job is about figuring out how to make new medical devices in our factory
We need to design the equipment to make our products. Sometimes this involves using robots and lasers and other cool stuff
We have 3D printers that we use to try out our designs
I work as part of a team that needs to consider lots of different details about our product;
- What the product needs to do to treat the patient
- What could potentially go wrong (so that we design safe products)
- How parts will be manufactured
- How all the parts will be assembled
- What equipment will we need to make the product (often needs to be designed from scratch)
- How the products will be sterilised and packaged
- How the doctor will use the product
- How the product will be disposed of
My typical day involves designing components, equipment and processes
Our products are typically deployed to the heart by transfemoral or transradial access. What this means is that the patient gets a needle inserted in their leg (transfemoral) or their arm (transradial) and the doctor steers through device through their blood vessels into their heart. The doctor uses x-ray to see where the product is in the patient
Our main goal is to make sure our products are safe to use and effective at making people better
What I'd do with the prize money
I'd use it to buy snap circuits kits per link below for the school I'm interacting with as part of this initiative
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Innovative, listener, doer
What did you want to be after you left school?
An engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Pink Floyd
What's your favourite food?
Ice cream (Haagen Dazs Pralines & Cream)
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Bungee jumping
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
To have more free time to play with my children, to be debt free, and to have my shed built and kitted out
Tell us a joke.
What did the pirate say when he turned 80? "Aye Matey"