
Rory Ward
National University of Galway, Ireland
3rd Year of Bachelors in Electronic and Computer Engineering
Work History:
Two internships with Burns&McDonnell
Current Job:
Engineering Intern
About Me
I'm a 21 year old power engineering Intern from Galway currently living in Birmingham.
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I’ve moved around a good bit lately. I interned in New England USA last summer, studied for a semester in Galway, Ireland and am currently doing my second internship in Birmingham UK. I’m still getting used to living in Birmingham, but love exploring new places and am enjoying finding out about this lovely city. I also practice Judo, love reading and watching thrillers.
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I make drawings like the one shown below. I know that it may look scary, but it really isn’t. It just basically tells you if there will be safe electricity when you plug something into this system or not. I have to think about a few different things when I design one of these, two of the main ones are safety and the environment, firstly the system needs to be safe for both the user and the workers, it also needs to be as eco-friendly as possible, this includes the use of solar panels and wind turbines instead of coal plants.
My Typical Day
I wake up early. I go to the office and talk with my co-workers over a coffee before starting work. The mornings usually are kept busy with team and client meetings. Then after lunch I design my electrical systems, I also read up on some of the newest ideas in my work area before heading home.
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This is our main meeting room, where we discuss projects that we are working on as well as how the team is getting on.
11/09/2019. Birmingham, UK. Burns & McDonnell. Birmingham Office opening by West Midlands Mayor Andy Street. Photo credit: Dave Warren/Picture Team
This is where we go at the end of the week to relax with a friendly game of table football.
11/09/2019. Birmingham, UK. Burns & McDonnell. Birmingham Office opening by West Midlands Mayor Andy Street. Photo credit: Dave Warren/Picture Team
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Curious, Adventurous, Witty
What did you want to be after you left school?
A Doctor
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Lamb roast
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Flown a plane
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Healthy, Happy, Active
Tell us a joke.
What do Scientists use to freshen their breath? .... Experi-mints
Work photos: