
Michelle Monaghan
St. Brigids VS Loughrea, NUIG
B.Sc General, Cert QA & RA
Work History:
Microbiology Lab, Quality Assurance for manufacturing
Current Job:
Quality Assurance Engineer for suppliers
About Me
Hi, My name is Michelle. I love all sorts of things, from baking and reading to dancing and karate.
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My name is Michelle. I live in Galway, out in the countryside. I have 2 cats. I love all animals and briefly thought about becoming a vet.
I speak 3 languages (Irish, German & French) and am currently teaching myself Dutch.
Growing up I really wanted to become a teacher. I currently work for a Medical Device company but still do a little bit of teaching as part of my job.
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I work with the teams that make the Medical Devices.
To make these Medical Devices, we put lots of different parts together. My job is to help investigate any problems that come up.
A problem could be the parts not working right or something breaking.
This investigation teaches us how to fix the problem and how to stop the problem from happening again.
This means that we can make Medical Devices to a high standard for the patients that need them.
My Typical Day
I work with lots of different teams everyday to investigate problems that are found.
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I work in different places every day.
Our Medical Devices are made in a cleanroom. A cleanroom is a room that is very clean with no dirt or dust. This is so the Medical Devices don’t get dirty when being made.
The Medical Devices are made up of lots of different parts. Sometimes we buy these parts from other companies. These parts get checked when they come into the company where I work. This is done in a special room in the warehouse.
I also work with a big team and we all sit in an office together.
Everyday I start in the office. I get my list of problems that need to be investigated and will meet with different teams of people in the Warehouse and Cleanroom.
We all work together to solve the problems.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Fun, Weird, Kind
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wanted to be a Science and German teacher in secondary school
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Absailing from the roof of the Hogan stand