0 Question: what is your favorite movie? Keywords: film, hobby, spare time Asked by deshfix123 to Katherine on 29 Apr 2020.
Katherine Benson answered on 29 Apr 2020:
Tough decision, it depends on my mood I think, I love everything from ‘When Harry Met Sally’ to ‘Jurassic Park’! What’s yours?
deshfix123 commented on 29 Apr 2020:
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
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Nadeem commented on 29 Apr 2020:
well! my favorite movie is “Apollo 11” – it takes you back in time when humans made history by landing and walking on the moon 🙂
deshfix123 commented on :
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Nadeem commented on :
well! my favorite movie is “Apollo 11” – it takes you back in time when humans made history by landing and walking on the moon 🙂