0 Question: How long more will we be of school for Keywords: COVID-19, lockdown, school Asked by hannahking to Katherine on 23 Apr 2020.
Katherine Benson answered on 23 Apr 2020:
It’s hard to know when you’ll all be back to school, the Government is working really closely with scientists and doctors to figure out when it will be safe. We will have to wait and see!
modmia commented on 23 Apr 2020:
IMPORTANT: This question and its answers are about coronavirus (COVID-19). The information on this page might be out of date or wrong.
For up-to-date health information and advice, please go to the NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
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Bethany is @home! commented on 20 May 2020:
Theres talk we’ll be back in June (if ur in clouna ns school)
modmia commented on :
IMPORTANT: This question and its answers are about coronavirus (COVID-19). The information on this page might be out of date or wrong.
For up-to-date health information and advice, please go to the NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
Bethany is @home! commented on :
Theres talk we’ll be back in June (if ur in clouna ns school)