Question: In genetics, we have 46 chromosones in each egg and the sperm cell and egg cell both have 23 chromosones in each cell so therefore when the join together they make up 46 chromosones for the embryo, but when there is twins there is either 2 eggs which means 46 chromosones and 1 sperm which is 23 chromosone and when they join together they only makes up 89 chromosone for the two embryos and that means one of the embryos gets 46 chromosones and the other only gets 23 chromosones and the embryo wont be able to live then. Unless the egg divides? My question is how does both embryos have 46 chromosones in each cell when there is 2 eggs and 1sperm or when the egg divides?
- Keywords:
- cell,
- chromosome,
- egg,
- embryo,
- gene,
- reproducation,
- sperm
- Keywords: