• Question: What does Cytopathology involve?

    Asked by xxkatemcxx to Enda, Jean, Kate, Kev, Tim on 12 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Kevin Lomasney

      Kevin Lomasney answered on 12 Nov 2012:


      In general within life sciences (biology, physiology etc.) cyto refers to cell and pathology is generally the study of how diseases work or their disease path if you like! So cytopathology is the study of diseases within cells themselves. For example, if you have a disease in your brain , such as Alzheimer’s disease, scientists studying the cytopathology of Alzheimers will try and find out what is wrong within the nerve cells (neurons) themselves and not just look at the brain as a whole. In cancer research, cytopatholgy is very important as cancer is due to cells which grow and multiply uncontrolably because the signals and control mechanisms have changed within the cell. Therefore its is very important to understand how the cell works and what goes wrong in the cell for diseases like these and many if not all other diseases.
