• Question: why do people sleep walk

    Asked by jellytots54 to Enda, Jean, Kate, Kev, Tim on 18 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Tim Downing

      Tim Downing answered on 18 Nov 2012:

      Hi Jellytots,

      People sleep walk because we are all able to do routine things (like walking) using our subconscious only. Even we are asleep, our level of consciousness varies – sometimes we are sleeping deeply or lightly, and this ebbs and flows as phases of about 90 mins during the night. During light sleep phases, we tend to move around more, like most of us do in our bed. So sleep walk is an extension of this, just the moving around on the bed has switched to getting out of it!

      You can understand the variation in consciousness from when you are dozing, or waking up or falling asleep. We still manage to breathe while asleep so this is one of a range of functions that is automatic. For sleep walkers, wandering around has become an automatic behaviour.

      One interesting aspect of sleep walking is that it tends to occur at the start of the night during “slow wave” deep sleep phases rather than light sleep. This is why sleep walkers don’t wake up easily during their odd behaviour. The origins of sleep walking are not clear: though it is genetic in part, other factors can affect it. For example, if you don’t get much sleep the night before, your amount of slow wave sleep will increase and give you more time in which to go sleep walking.


    • Photo: Jean Bourke

      Jean Bourke answered on 23 Nov 2012:

      The why is difficult to say but we do kind of know how and tim has given a very good explanation. Generally sleepwalkers have no recollection of what they did because they are not really conscious. A sleepwalker’s eyes may be open and they may avoid objects but they are not awake enough to form proper memories.

      I don’t sleep walk but I do have conversations with people in my sleep…
      Kind of embarrassing since I have no idea what I’ve said. Mostly it’s just silly stuff.
