
Shriram Patel
About Me
Hi! I am Shriram Patel and I live with my family in Cork. I am a researcher in APC Mirobiome Ireland, University College Cork. I study interaction between Genes and Bacteria in Coeliac disease. I love cooking and playing Chess.
My Typical Day
Being a bioinformatician, I have a flexible routine. My day starts with a cup of tea and breakfast. My work start at around 9:30 in the morning and last until 5:30 in the evening. After dinner, I read couple of good research reports/ work from other scientist to get updated with the current science in my field.
What I'd do with the prize money
There is still a lot of misinformation out there about coeliac disease. I would use the prize money to educate public about coeliac disease and releated science/ truth behind common myths.
Sardar Patel University, India
Masters in Biotechnology and Doctorate in Biotechnology
Work History:
Working as a scientist from last 3 years at University College Cork
Current Job:
Postdoctoral researcher
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Sometimes Yes.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
No favourites. But sometimes I enjoy listening old classical songs.
What's your favourite food?
Vegetable Manchurian