• Question: how does covid affect a scientist

    Asked by layla noone to Erin, Danielle on 10 Nov 2021.
    • Photo: Danielle Nader

      Danielle Nader answered on 10 Nov 2021:

      Lots of ways, but I find scientists are most affected socially and at work.

      Most scientists had to keep going to work/labs during lockdown, but because of social distancing, many of us did not get a chance to talk or hang out with our colleagues at work. So most of the time, we did not get to take part in group activities, and had to mostly work alone. This can be really tough sometimes, just like going to school and not having any of your friends around!

      Also, so many scientists decided to work on COVID too, to try and contribute their own skills and help speed up the vaccine development. So this meant a lot of research had to be done 2 or 3x faster, which was very difficult!!

      There were some positives too though. All the collaboration for COVID meant scientists got to meet virtually and make new connections all across the world, which normally would be very difficult in person.
