• Question: How are crystal made

    Asked by 472newp27 to Triona, Simone, Kieran, Julia, Hugh, Emily on 7 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Kieran

      Kieran answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      All salts can form crystals! if you boil salt water you will find crystals at the bottom but unfortunately these crystals won’t make you rich..

    • Photo: Hugh Manning

      Hugh Manning answered on 8 Nov 2018:

      A crystal is a type of material where the atoms are all bonded to each other in a very particular and regular way.
      Growing crystals is a really big area of research because different conditions such as temperature, pressure effect the quality of the crystal.
      Some crystals can have really special electrical, optical, and mechanical properties that other materials just don’t have because their atomic structure isn’t so perfectly ordered, they also look really beautiful!
