• Question: What interested you in science?

    Asked by 779newp32 to Hugh, Julia on 4 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by Rachel, Erin.
    • Photo: Hugh Manning

      Hugh Manning answered on 4 Nov 2018:

      When I was in transition year I was asked by my science teacher if I wanted to go to a Physics/Science week in Trinity College Dublin. I jumped at the experience and learned so much from it, I really enjoyed myself and decided that I wanted to study science in college. I think what interested me in science the most was that it could help me understand the world and universe around us and that I might have the chance to discover completely new things!

    • Photo: Julia

      Julia answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      Science allows us to understand how everything around us works. Especially when it comes to chemistry, you learn about the atoms (everything is made of atoms!), you learn about chemical reactions (chemical reactions affect your body, the environment, space etc) and so much more. It is a very interesting subject and I thought it would be nice to study and then work with it.
