• Question: is there life on other planets

    Asked by Ava Kearns to Emma, Monica, Sebastian, Sinead, Thomas on 14 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Emma Roycroft

      Emma Roycroft answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      Who knows Ava, not me!

    • Photo: Sinead Loughran

      Sinead Loughran answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      The universe is mind boggling enormous.

      The famous cosmologist Carl Sagan once said;
      β€œThe universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.”

      In my opinion, I think it is possible/probable that there is life (which can take many forms) on other planets. We now know there is water on Mars. Since we find life everywhere there is water on Earth, scientists at NASA are now seeking signs of life on Mars.

      You can read about their mission here


    • Photo: Sebastian Gornik

      Sebastian Gornik answered on 15 Nov 2016:

      The odd are high that there is, just maybe not the same living matter we know on planet earth. But I am sure that there is self-propagating molecules on other planets πŸ™‚
