0 Question: During your career have you ever had days where you wish you didn't go into a science? Keywords: career, regret Asked by 627nand22 to Aisling, Anil, Claire, Leona, Micki on 7 Nov 2015.
Micki Mitchell answered on 7 Nov 2015:
Oh gosh yea, about half of them 😀
Claire O'Connell answered on 8 Nov 2015:
I think everyone has those days. Especially the days when experiments don’t go to plan but the good days definitely outweigh those.
Aisling Kerr answered on 9 Nov 2015:
Usually it only happens when my equipment throws a temper tantrum or I realise how much data I have to sort through…. so every few days really! But the good days are very good, so it is worth it!
Anil Jain answered on 9 Nov 2015:
Not really. I am very curious by nature and science gives a very good platform to keep me occupied.
Plus when you are in science you can understand nature and enjoy its complexity and beauty so much more.
Leona Mc Girr answered on 9 Nov 2015:
Everyone has those days but I really wouldn’t want to do anything else!