• Question: how does cancer form?

    Asked by 584nand36 to Micki, Aisling, Anil, Claire, Leona on 9 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by 494nand32.
    • Photo: Micki Mitchell

      Micki Mitchell answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      Cancer cells are basically your own body cells gone mad.. Cells in part of your body start to grow out of control and become abnormal,and unlike healthy cells, they don’t die off. They keep growing and form more abnormal cells, called a tumour. The changes that happen for a healthy cell to become a cancerous cell can be caused by a variety of factors, but it’s ultimately all bad news!

    • Photo: Claire O'Connell

      Claire O'Connell answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      I think Micki has got everything in her answer but just to add that cancer can spread around your body if some of the cells get into your blood stream (because your blood stream is so interconnected). Not all types of cancer do that but if they do they are a metastatic cancer.

    • Photo: Leona Mc Girr

      Leona Mc Girr answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      Yeah I think Micki has given a really good answer, basically healthy cells turn turn bad and begin to grow uncontrollably..
