Asked by (0_o) Turtle to Micki, Anil, Claire, Leona on 18 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by Shrek.
Micki Mitchell answered on 18 Nov 2015:
It will help by being able to diagnose infectious diseases and types of cancer quickly and without a doctor. Why is that important? For example, think about the ebola outbreak recently. People in Africa don’t really have a good health system or access to doctors. Normally, when you want to see if you’re sick, you need to go to a doctor and they’ll take your blood and send it off to the lab. All this is expensive, and takes a long time. In Africa, that’s not possible, especially during an infectious disease outbreak where people get sick fast and there are very little doctors. And you don’t want it to travel to other countries, so it is important to diagnose people on the airport, for example, within five minutes, with only an airport worker running the small handheld test to tell if you only have the sniffles or something as deadly as ebola. That’s one example. Another good example would be an emergency room in a hospital. You’re very sick, come in, the doctors and nurses need to know quickly what’s wrong with you. Being able to diagnose by your bedside and not having to send off Labs may well save your life. Cancer is another example. My particular subject was pancreatic cancer. It’s the most deadliest of all and really difficult to diagnose. You need to know quickly, and with the method I developed, it was not just quick, but also accurate, which is just as important! I hope that answers your question OK 🙂
Leona Mc Girr answered on 19 Nov 2015:
That is a good question Shrek! Well im trying to find a cure for cancer. If I am successful, it will be able to diagnose, locate and treat cancer all in one. This would reduce any horrible side effects, that you usually see with chemotherapy and also reduce the time from diagnosis to treatment. Like Micki’s research it would also mean that the doctor would no longer have to be there for each step as the nanoparticles should do most of the work. This would also reduce all the medical bills associated with cancer, as you would be cutting out the middle man. So to conclude its a win win!
Anil Jain answered on 19 Nov 2015:
I am trying to speed up the internet or to reduce its cost by making devices that make it possible. Internet is slowly becoming a basic necessity like housing, food and water (Infact I see people who can live without food but not internet). There are tremendous benefits of internet as you would be aware like education, communication, disaster relief and in general making life much easier and smoother to live. For the developing countries it is even more important to have internet. They can use it reduce the hardship that they encounter because of lack of basic infrastructure like roads, transport etc. For eg. in India rural villagers can contact a specialist doctor in city through video call instead of travelling all the way at great expense and time. Villagers can check the prices of the grains so they can make a informed decision on when to sell the grains giving them maximum profits. There are so many other examples which I wont go into. So I definitively believe my work, if it makes into products, would have a impact on whole of mankind.
Claire O'Connell answered on 19 Nov 2015:
My work aims to provide a blood test that can detect if you have metastatic cancer. It would be incorporated into a standard blood test and so could help detect cancer at an early stage when it is most treatable. This could be done for a range of cancer types such as breast, lung or colon cancer. This would prevent millions of people from dying from cancer across the globe unnecessarily especially when most of the time, when detected early, cancer is treatable.