• Question: What is your favourite chemistry experiment if you had to choose?

    Asked by Catherine mccaffrey to Leona, Anil, Aisling, Claire, Micki on 9 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by Conor Dempsey, Charles.A, 494nand32, 534nand46.
    • Photo: Leona Mc Girr

      Leona Mc Girr answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      Ha that is a tough one! My degree was in Chemistry with Forensic Analysis and I had to carry out alot of experiments that would enhance marks such as footprints, blood stains or fingerprints, which are alot of fun. So I would have to say my favourite one was enhancing fingerprint marks on glass using glue. It gives you a really clear white finger print and works every time! (Believe it or not most experiments dont work the first time, so it nice when they do)

    • Photo: Micki Mitchell

      Micki Mitchell answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      I’m not a chemist, so I didn’t do that much chemistry in college, but I’d say my favourite was the investigation of metal ions, particularly copper and cobalt. Such amazing colours!

    • Photo: Aisling Kerr

      Aisling Kerr answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      I’m not a chemist and didn’t do it for in college so it has been a long time since I did a chemistry experiment! But I always enjoyed experiments that involved mixing two substances together to see how they react, like potassium in water!
