• Question: Do you think there are big Sea Creatures in the ocean? for example The Megalodon, or the Kraken?

    Asked by kaelym tyrrell to Suzy, Stephen, Marcello, Danny, Cathal, Boris, Asaf, Aisling on 17 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 17 Nov 2020:

      I wish!! I think its is extremely unlikely anything that big is down there!
      If megalodon was still around it would be pretty obvious since it would need to eat whales, and likely a lot of them, which simply is not observed!

      A kraken like in the legends is likely just too big to be possible, even giant squid are not that big compared to things like whales.

      Unfortunately anything huge would need a lot of food or make their presence known in some other way (like sound), but we just don’t see any evidence. Sorry! I wish we lived in a world with them it would be cool!

    • Photo: Marcello Valente

      Marcello Valente answered on 18 Nov 2020:

      Dear Kaelym,
      unfortunalely after Dinosaur existintion there is less oxygen in the general atmosphere to have the giant animals of previous ages like the megalodon but we find by time to time big squids, maybe not like the scandinavian Kraken from the 17th century legends but quite big anyway.

