• Question: Do you think you will make it far in science?

    Asked by callumhodge to Malgorzata, Changhong on 5 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Malgorzata Dabrowska

      Malgorzata Dabrowska answered on 5 Nov 2020:

      Hello Callumhodge,

      I think that everyone thinks that he/she will make it far, otherwise they won’t start (or maybe some people would do, you never know 😛 ). But for each person their “far” will be at a completely different place. Some wants to stay in science, for example start their own lab, some wants to only publish in the best journals, some wants to stay in the company… Each way (and there are many) is different and just as valuable. But of course there is only one Nobel Prize has been awarded every year 😉
