• Question: How do you plan on doing that

    Asked by Dylan C to Parnika on 9 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Parnika Gupta

      Parnika Gupta answered on 9 Nov 2020:

      Well, there are data centres in companies such as Google, Intel, Microsoft etc. All the data is stored in their data servers, and they need high data switching and transfer speeds to get the data to you faster. So we have optical transceivers (transmitter+receiver) in these data centres which are communication equipment to increase the data speed. The special thing about these equipment, is that they use photonic circuits along with the electrical circuits so that the signals are converted to light, travel fast, process fast and then again get converted to electrical signals. This is because photons(light) travels faster than electrons. So your data moving through data centres is going at very high speeds and then it’s reaching you through optical cables.
