• Question: Is there any difficulties about doing this research?

    Asked by batikan on 10 Nov 2020. This question was also asked by puma49dug, fete49hue.
    • Photo: Liudmila Khokhlova

      Liudmila Khokhlova answered on 10 Nov 2020: last edited 12 Nov 2020 2:11 pm

      There’re many difficulties in research in general, but difficulties specific to my research are mainly related to me working with people. Arranging an experiment is a long process since I need to make sure that my trial is safe, ethical and worthy of participants time. A lot of people ensure and control that, loads of paperwork involved as well. But that’s is an absolutely necessary step.

    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 16 Nov 2020:

      There are always challenges!
      For my research I do not know the outcome of my research until the very end. I figure out how old rocks are and that take a month of work for each rock. If something goes wrong there is a lot of backtracking to figuring out what went wrong!
      Also sometimes is hard to interpret my results if they are unexpected!
      However, there has been no difficulties I haven’t been able to get past!

    • Photo: Lara Codeca

      Lara Codeca answered on 18 Nov 2020:

      I do research not because it’s easy but because I love a good challenge and a nice mind-breaker.
      The satisfaction of figuring things out is the reward that keeps me going.
