• Question: do you ever make ay mistakes that force you to start again from scratch?

    Asked by cactus UWU to Souvik, Sabine, Maria, John, Faye, Armin on 12 Nov 2019. This question was also asked by beaned.
    • Photo: John Butler

      John Butler answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      All the time. But a mistake is a chance to learn. If something did not work, you have to find out why.
      Was it me, or was it the experiment?

    • Photo: Maria McNamara

      Maria McNamara answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      Yep! All the time. It’s pretty common to have to go back and redo an analysis, or take more measurements. Sometimes some of the data you collect might be bad, partly due to the sample, or maybe the way you collected the data. But that’s all ok! Every time you realise you make a mistake, you learn from it and get better.
