• Question: Is It Possible To Colonize Mars

    Asked by EpicDuck27 to Souvik, John, Faye, Armin, Sabine, Maria on 12 Nov 2019. This question was also asked by grew45pen, Che.
    • Photo: Armin Shams

      Armin Shams answered on 12 Nov 2019: last edited 12 Nov 2019 1:45 pm

      Yes (far future), but if we live wisely enough on earth, we do not need to take that huge trouble. We may go for experiments or excursions, though. đŸ™‚

    • Photo: Maria McNamara

      Maria McNamara answered on 21 Nov 2019:

      In theory, yes. But right now we don’t have the technology to make this possible or a strong enough impetus to do so. I think human settlement of other bodies in the solar system will only happen if (a) there is a discovery of a major natural resource there, or (b) there is increased population pressure on Earth, either because of damage to the natural environment, increasing population, or both.
