Every subject has their own importance. Without science society can’t progress. I would say study whatever you want to study don’t see other’s recommendation.
Careers in science are really important because as a scientist you’re basically trying to understand the world around you in order to help people. Scientists heal people, make tools that we use, help us to build safe houses and roads from raw materials, help fight climate change, help save our biodiversity, help us understand our place in the universe… the list is endless!
I really enjoy my job and I love going into work every day. Not all parts of my job are equally interesting but there are lots of exciting parts, such as doing fieldwork, doing analyses, and doing experiments (because you can never predict the results!).
I think a science background gives you a really solid foundation for just existing on our planet. You can look around you and understand how stuff works. Plus you get really good training in how to critically assess things that you read and hear, in other words, how to use your brain and keep it switched on! This stands to you in all walks of life.
The advised amount of science studies needed in college is determined by your future study and career plans. It ranges from “good to do if interested” to “necessary to immerse in”.