0 Question: Which came first the dinosaur or the dinosaur egg? Keywords: dinosaur, egg, philosophy Asked by ÉK11 to Souvik, Sabine, Maria, John, Faye, Armin on 14 Nov 2019.
Maria McNamara answered on 14 Nov 2019:
Dinosaurs and their eggs didn’t simply appear out of nowhere. Dinosaurs evolved over millions of years. We can track their evolution by studying their ancestors preserved in the fossil record. Reptiles evolved egg-laying long before dinosaurs.
Curious commented on 18 Nov 2019:
Good one Èabhan,You copied Emma
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ÉK11 commented on 19 Nov 2019:
Thanks curious
Curious commented on :
Good one Èabhan,You copied Emma
ÉK11 commented on :
Thanks curious