• Question: You know the way a load of people don't care about the environment,and.just throw all their litter on the ground? How long do you think it would take for a piece of paper to dissolve into the ground?

    Asked by lb_1107 to Souvik, Sabine, Maria, John, Faye, Armin on 11 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Souvik Kundu

      Souvik Kundu answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Paper is not harmful for environment we should be more concerned about plastics and other non-bio-degradable substances.

    • Photo: Sabine Giron

      Sabine Giron answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      The time it takes for paper to decompose depends on the heat, moisture, and aeration available in the environment around it.

      Normally, it takes two to six weeks for a piece of paper in a landfill to be decomposed. Plastic waste on the other side, can take up to 1,000 years!

      So you are completely right, if people cared about the environment, they wouldn’t throw litter on the ground..

    • Photo: Maria McNamara

      Maria McNamara answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      It depends on whether it rains or not and whether it gets trampled. A few days in wet moist conditions with a lot of footfall. Weeks to months if it stays dry and untouched. If you see someone throwing litter out of a car you can report it to the gardai if you take the numberplate!
