The Hubble Ultra Deep Field (Google it) is one of the most amazing pictures ever. It shows a tiny fraction of the entire sky, just 1/13,000, 000 of the whole celestial sphere (a sort of imaginary shell covering the whole sky).
The Hubble Ultra Deep Field contains 10000 galaxies. Putting these together we can say there are about 10000 x 13,000,000 galaxies in the sky= 130, 000, 000, 000 galaxies (130 billion galaxies).
Each galaxy has about 100, 000, 000, 000 (a hundred billion stars), multiplying these we get
13,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000 stars in the observable Universe. (Roughly)
And that is just the stars we can actually see! The universe is probably infinite. Also, more stars are being born all the time in big clouds of collapsing gas out in space.