Question: If you were able to give some advise to any students who was aspiring to be involved in the science discovery in the future what adivse would you give them?
Study both math, science, AND art. Discoveries are made by creative people with good ideas and good imaginations. Take a look at what is going on in science in general. Find topics that interest you. Perhaps pick a topic that is not well understood or well studied- that means there is a lot left to do! I was an intern for a physics Nobel Prize winner, George Smoot, and he said he studied cosmology because there were so few people doing it, so he had a better chance of making a big splash, than if he studied particle physics, for instance.
Wow now being an intern for a Nobel Prize Winner is really awesome! It must have been so interesting!
And thanks so much for your advise! Its very interesting to find out from something other than Google!
Don’t always accept everything and always strive to make things better…. The Nobel prize in physics 2010 was awarded for a material that was proven both by theory and experiment not to exist!?!?!?! However some scientists continued their research and found it in 2004
aoifeomara commented on :
Wow now being an intern for a Nobel Prize Winner is really awesome! It must have been so interesting!
And thanks so much for your advise! Its very interesting to find out from something other than Google!
Arlene O Neill commented on :
Don’t always accept everything and always strive to make things better…. The Nobel prize in physics 2010 was awarded for a material that was proven both by theory and experiment not to exist!?!?!?! However some scientists continued their research and found it in 2004