• Question: Is any of your family members a scientist like you?!

    Asked by carlyraejepsen7275 to Arlene, Colin, David, Eugene, Paul on 10 Nov 2012. This question was also asked by paddyhayden.
    • Photo: Paul Higgins

      Paul Higgins answered on 10 Nov 2012:

      Nope, I am the first one. Most of my family are nurses (both of my parents, grandma, 2 aunts, 2 cousins). So, they were bewildered when I told them I was going to major in physics and astrophysics in college. Also, no one has a PhD in my family. Hopefully I will pass my viva (thesis defense) and be the first!

    • Photo: David McKeown

      David McKeown answered on 11 Nov 2012:

      No, just me 🙂 There rest of them are accountants *cough* boring! *cough*

      I have great fun trying to explain science things to them over dinner and they ask me to fix things around the house. I’ll turn them into scientists yet! .
