Stupid spots, its bad enough that they exist, but leaving behind scars, well that’s just rude of them!
My spots came and went (eventually) when I was younger, but luckily I didn’t get scars, I hope they don’t bother you too much.
Hmmm I’m no dermatologist (skin doctor) … but the wisdom of internet seems to suggest “bio oil” might help, which I’ve seen in chemists like boots. Also there are crazy sounding treatments with lasers and microdermabrasion (sanding down you skin with special creams). I’m not sure how good they are though. I also read that if the scaring is not too deep, the scars will fade with time.
I wish I could be of more help, maybe one of the other scientists knows some good treatments.
I would try vitamin E oil also… it is supposed to help with scars. I have a few spot scars that never went away, but I think most become un-noticeable after a while. I think diet can affect your skin, so if you eat healthy the spots will be less… for me my diet didn’t do anything, I had spots no matter what I tried…You might ask the same question in the health zone if you can, they might know a bit more!