Being a scientist is really cool, I love it. For one thing, I never get bored. The space telescopes that we are currently working on will soon be in space orbiting our planet Earth, taking photographs of distant galaxies and even planets around other stars (exo-planets). One of these telescopes called SPICA will even be able to analyze the atmospheres of distant exo-planets and maybe determine if there is life there (aliens!). Wouldn’t you like a job as an alien hunter?
It’s great! I get paid to do what I love, and get to learn new things all the time as well. I’m not just inputting data into spreadsheets…that would be my nightmare job. Being a scientist means you are always kept active, kept thinking, which I think is good! The only thing is, you have to force yourself sometimes to switch off when the day is over…my friends who do business don’t always want to hear me ranting away about space!
Love it. I wasn’t always but loved astronomy. I then went back to college and studied, now I get to work on great projects working on how to see back to the origins of the universe and the big bang.
Hi Ellen, sorry I only saw this now but I wanted to become a scientist because I want to find out more about the Universe and I would like to be a part of the discoveries made by scientists about the Universe. It is a very rewarding career when you discover something new, so I hope that in my lifetime I will be able to make some advances in astrophysics.
jessicaoshea commented on :
That’s great information thanks guys !
ellenmcc123 commented on :
Hi lauren, my question for you is why did you want to become a scientist?
Lauren commented on :
Hi Ellen, sorry I only saw this now but I wanted to become a scientist because I want to find out more about the Universe and I would like to be a part of the discoveries made by scientists about the Universe. It is a very rewarding career when you discover something new, so I hope that in my lifetime I will be able to make some advances in astrophysics.